The Roots of Play

I call the root chakra The Playground. It is the ground of play that we as children were raised in. The root area includes the legs, feet and pelvic floor.

Play started with our Mothers in the play between Mother and child. With cooing and the wiggling of arms and legs and such as well as the playful and loving sound of the Mother’s voice. 

From this safe and nurturing place we moved onto the playground with other children to test out our relationship with trust and safe play that our Mothers instilled and modelled for us in the infant stage. 

As you can guess as we then move into our adult lives this trust and comfort around play moves and informs every part of our lives. It is our foundation of being.

If that was your journey with play then you might be comfortable in groups and with others and have a sense of play and humour that is in your bones. 

If it wasn’t, and just to say that over all the years of teaching I haven’t met too many that have a great relationship with play, then you may want to consider playful activities to claim this right to play in your life. 

When we allow the natural vital energy of play to move our body the nervous system switches us from a reactionary world to a world of comfort and trust.

This might take some rewiring and some untwisting but it's worth it. We all deserve to feel comfortable in the act of play in and on the playground in order to rebuild trust and broken connections.

And for the record singing is the greatest play there is.


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